Pet Grooming Videos

English Springer Spaniel Grooming Part 1

Unless you have had your house cat declawed your cat will need to have its nail clipped. In the wild cats need their sharp claws to defend themselves and to help them capture and kill prey, Feral cats keep their nail from becoming overly long by walking around on hard surfaces that wear down the nail, keeping it sharp. 

If you use a clipper, brush the hair backwards against the grain and then move your clippers with the grain. Pet grooming experts may use a variety of length of clipper combs that can be used in variance with the length and thickness of the coat. The novice pet groomer may use home hair clipper systems, but they should experiment first in one unnoticeable area before continuing the entire job. 

As with all animals a bad pet groomer can make mistakes and unintentionally hurt the animal destroying confidence in making the cat emotionally distraught. Cat pet grooming is a difficult job and not many people are up to the task. Some of the best dog groomers refuse to groom cats due to the fact of the danger to both themselves and the animal. 

You might consider enlisting the aid of a mobile pet grooming service. Never heard of a mobile pet grooming service? Think of it as a canine day spa that has been condensed and put on wheels. Most mobile pet grooming companies have built their pet grooming stations into the back of large vans or cargo trucks. 

They spend several hours a day keeping grooming themselves, maintaining the quality of their skin and coat. Just because your pet rabbit spends a large amount of its day grooming itself that you are absolved from pet grooming. Rabbits, like all pets rely on their owners to set a grooming plan and then stick with it. 

Most of these pet owners are devastated when they return to the groomers to pick up their pet and find out that the best the groomer was able to do was a partial job, they send the pet home half clipped and uncombed, telling the owner that the pet is their responsibility. The hard truth is that some pets really don't like to be groomed.