Pet Grooming Videos

Pet Grooming by Hyme (Jaime Merino)

Pet Grooming to Prevent Hairballs Cat owners know that where there are cats there are also hairballs. Cats oral grooming habits involve swallowing large quantities of hair. Most of the swallowed hair passes harmlessly through the cat's digestive system. Problems occur when instead of passing through the cat's digestive system the hair remains in the cat's digestive system. 

This help keep the rabbit's coat clean and free of mats but also keeps the rabbit more comfortable during the hot summer months. If you have never trimmed a rabbit's long hair before, you might want to take your rabbit to a professional pet groomer and watch how it's done before you try it yourself. When using the clippers or scissors, be very careful that you don't damage the rabbits skin. 

Most of these pet owners are devastated when they return to the groomers to pick up their pet and find out that the best the groomer was able to do was a partial job, they send the pet home half clipped and uncombed, telling the owner that the pet is their responsibility. The hard truth is that some pets really don't like to be groomed. 

Nobody really knows for sure why dogs feel the need to smell. The quickest, most efficient way to remove odor from your dog's coat is to wash your dog. Try to use a shampoo that is specifically designed for dogs. Human shampoos can strip the dogs coat of its natural oils, leaving the skin unprotected and open to rashes and infections. 

Here they can pull the dogs paw through a hole in the containment box and clip at will. This method it's very stressful upon the animal, and sometimes your animal might be better served by you clipping their nails at home. Nail clipping for some animals is a horrible experience. Your pet may try to bite you or try to get away from you, putting both the owner and the animal at serious injury. 

One of the skills that children will develop when they are raising a guinea pig is pet grooming. Despite their diminutive size, guinea pigs, like dogs and cats, need to be groomed on a regular basis. Parents who are concerned that their child will be lax about grooming their pet guinea pig should make sure that they purchase a short haired breed of guinea pig.