Pet Grooming Videos

Best Dog Clippers

Pet grooming is a wonderful way for cat owners to prevent the unpleasantness of hairballs. Brushing your cat once a day will remove dead hairs from the cat's coat. These dead hairs wont be around to stick to the cat's tongue and later be swallowed to form a hair ball. Although any brush can be used to groom your pet cat, a cat brush purchased from pet store has bristles that are specially designed for cat hair. 

If you are using clippers that make a noise, turn them on a good distance from your gut. Turn them off again and woke toward your pet, turning them on and gently putting the vibration next to the body. When they realize that the clippers will not hurt them, they will be more susceptible in allowing you to cut their hair. 

Excess hair can build moisture that will trap bacteria and cause ear infections or be a breeding ground for ear mites. These types of afflictions can cause your pet a great deal of discomfort. Infections cause the animal to scratch and shake their head. Mites can actually cause the animal to do damage to their inner canal as they stick their nails inside trying to scratch. 

Here they can pull the dogs paw through a hole in the containment box and clip at will. This method it's very stressful upon the animal, and sometimes your animal might be better served by you clipping their nails at home. Nail clipping for some animals is a horrible experience. Your pet may try to bite you or try to get away from you, putting both the owner and the animal at serious injury. 

By going slow and using soothing sounds, the owner can slowly introduce the new animal to the process. As the grooming goes on and the animal feels more comfortable, stronger strokes can be applied. As confidence and bonding builds the entire pet grooming process can be utilized. Another aspect of pet grooming is cutting or trimming the nails of your animal. 

The best policy for an itchy dog is to brush it on a daily basis. Most canine itching problems are caused by pollens, dirt, mats, and dander that stay on the dogs coat. If left on the dogs hair long enough the pollens, dirt, and dander start irritating the dogs skin and dog start chewing and biting at the offending spot.