Top 10 Best Dog Breeds to Travel With – TopTenz

Top 10 Best Dog Breeds to Travel With ❤ Dogs 101

Since our species first stepped out of Africa, man has taken his best friend on his voyage to explore the world. And with good reason, he’s a protector, a fellow explorer, and a friend. Nowadays from swank hotels to shacks in the woods from yachts to kayaks, our canine companions can be found with us in the air, on the road, at sea and romping through the rough wilderness. Heck, we’re willing to bet he’ll be with us as we travel to Mars and beyond. But for now and a little closer to home, let’s look at the top 10 best dog breeds to travel with.

The Top 10 Best Dog Breeds for traveling:
10. Labrador Retriever
9. Golden Retriever
8. Yorkshire Terrier
7. French Bulldog
6. Boston Terrier
5. Dachshund
4. Poodle
3. Bichon Frise
2. Pomeranian
1. Chihuahua

Bonus Dog: Papillon

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