Things People Don’t Tell You About Owning a Hedgehog

*Updated Description with MORE info!!* These are just some things I compiled from my experience of having a hedgehog as a pet. Hedgehogs are seriously the cutest things that roam this Earth (in my opinion) but they are an “exotic” animal that have more unusual needs than say a cat or dog. Along the way of owning Hunter, I stumbled into some precarious situations and/or realizations that I hadn’t expected and I wanted to share! With owning a Hedgehog, I find myself worrying about things I had never even thought or heard of before (such as, “Omg his quills fall out everywhere in his bed, what if he turns and one of them pokes him in the eye?!”) I wanted to point [ 😉 ] these things out to you if you’re ever considering on getting a hedgie. I hope you enjoy this and if you love this video please let me know!

We are planning on adding a second story to Hunter’s DIY Bookshelf Cage so if we do, I will make that it’s own video and show you exactly how we make it! If you want any other specific videos of Hunter please let me know below! I’m thinking of making a compilation of all the clips I have of him as they are absolutely adorable and hilarious.

You guys are seriously the best!


Which of the 50 states are hedgehogs currently illegal?
*Laws may or may/not change*
-Maine (UPDATE: Two permits are required to own a hedgehog in Maine)
-Arizona (UPDATE: Arizona Game and Fish Department declared hedgehogs officially legal as pets)
-California (Legal with permit)
-Georgia (Legal only if you are a licensed breeder, hedghogs must be sold and “shipped” out of state)
-Pennslyvania (WARNING: Hedgehogs can’t even be transported through the state. In other words; if you are driving through PA with a hedgehog in the car, they will confiscate your pet!!)

Municipalties where Hedgehogs are illegal:
-The 5 Boroughs of New York
-Douglas County, Nebraska
-Windsor, Ontario
-Langley, British Columbia

What are the reasons behind their illegalness?

Can hedgehogs’ eyes actually pop out of their head?
It is very important to observe your hedgehogs eyes as they are prone to developing corneal ulcers and
other ocular injuries. Hedgehogs are known to have a shallow orbit, causing their eyes to naturally protrude. This
makes them more susceptible and prone to injuries. If your hedgie is holding one eye closed, pawing repeatedly at
one eye, or they show signs of being watery; take them to the vet as they may have an irritation. In some cases, the
eye will “pop” out in an effort to heal faster or the hedgehog could cause his own eye to “pop” out from excessive pawing.
Fortunately, a hedgie’s quality of life will be just the same with one eye as they have poor eye sight and rely on their
hearing instead.

For more information on Hedgehog diseases:

Hedgehog breeds and color markings:

What kind of cat litter is best for Hedgehogs?
Some enthusiasts will recommend litter, others will recommend wood shavings and/or bedding. Both have their pros and cons
so it’s up to you which to decide on! Litter has been a wonderful option for my hedgehog, Hunter.
I recommend putting the litterbox in the spot where he typically goes to the bathroom, he always went in the back right corner
and that’s right where I decided to put the litter box. Worked like a charm within a few days! (Of course,
they will always have “accidents” here and there!)
*It’s important to have non-clumping litter as clumping litter can stick to your hedgie’s “delicate areas”
and I’m pretty sure you’d be pretty PO’ed to have some litter stuck there too*

Some info on training hedgies how to use litter box

Thanks so much for watching,


Music: Panama Hat
Panama Hat by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Riddim Road-Jingle Punks

Toccata in D minor (by Bach)

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