Roomba dog poop incident. Disassembling and cleaning a iRobot Roomba e5 so it can clean another day

Dog poop and iRobot Roomba’s DO NOT play well together. Y’all have heard the humorous anecdote about the roomba running over dog poop, well, after living it first hand, I can tell you, theres ZERO humor to it.

Take a ride with me where I demonstrate how to get your roomba apart and put back together so it will work like nothing ever happened.

Aside from needing to clean dog poop off of, and out of, it, this is a demonstration on how to regularly clean your roomba so it works just like it’s brand new.

All you’ll need is a phillips screwdriver , two hands, a flat surface and about 15 minutes, once you see how easy it is to do.

This will help you to clean as preventive maintenance so your Roomba will clean like it’s supposed to.

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