Healing for Pets with the Language of Light

Greetings Beautiful Beings!

I was asked for a recording of the Language of Light to assist our pets in healing.

You can use this meditation as a background sound in your house. You can use this mediation while you give your pet a healing yourself (applying healing hands). Simply rub your palms together and call for your guides to join with you and open the channel of the healing energy. You will put your hands on your pet and let the energy stream in 🙂

OR you can just relax together with your pet/pets – ( I have three dogs 🙂 Lela, Sparta and Milo ) and enjoy the benefit of the energy healing and the healing of the Language of Light together. You are on this journey together so share the healing together as well.

Love and Light from my heart to yours!


Picture taken by Rev. Eva Marquez “Lela”

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