All Squirrels Stashing Nuts — Winter Preparation

Most squirrels I see have an acorn in their mouth. In this season, stashing food is more important than eating for squirrels?!


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Thank you so much :)))

★You can see cute & funny squirrels in 30 seconds every day on my Twitter★


#SquirrelAwarenessMonth #Chelsea #squirrel #福りすのおねえさん #TeamSquirrel #リス #SquirrelCharmer


Let’s smile with squirrels and get connected! I’m Chelsea the Squirrel Charmer 🙂 My mission is to spread smiles to the world with squirrels and connect with squirrel lovers.

I mostly post cute & funny squirrel videos from my daily phenomenal squirrel interaction and my thoughts & things I learn from squirrels.

I’m not a specialist, just a squirrel lover. I enjoy learning about squirrels from my experience including talking with you.

Please don’t be shy to share your experience, stories and thoughts with me in the comments! I would love to hear that.
Join #TeamSquirrel by subscribing if you like my videos!


りすと一緒に367笑顔 ^^
福りすのおねえさん チェルシーです


♥️ZARD 白ごはん 赤ワイン

#西野亮廣エンタメ研究所 メンバー





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