We want to build a snowman but funny foxes never fail to make us laugh

I told my viewers so many times that having foxes is just like having kids – https://youtu.be/ffPC4-9LC9I
And here is another proof.
Vasilisa the Fox and Alf the Fox were so funny. I and my husband Alex couldn’t stop laughing.
This is a very unusual winter for Russia and we were waiting for the snow with impatience. Let’s watch how foxes destroyed a snowman!

#funnyFoxes #foxes&snowman #wantToBuildaSnowman #funnyVideos

I want to remind you my foxes were rescued from a fur farm. They’re not wild animals. Those foxes won’t survive in the wild because they have no necessary skills to catch prey and feed themselves.

My videos have a translation in English. Just turn on the subtitles.
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