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Flatulence in Pets

 Flatulence refers to the anal passage of intestinal gas. It is also known by many other names, including "farting," "passing wind," and "passing gas." Flatulence more commonly affects dogs than cats and is most often observed in inactive dogs that spend long periods indoors.

It is normal for dogs to pass gas in small quantities at infrequent intervals. However, persistent passage of excessive quantities of gas is abnormal. Excessive flatulence usually results from intolerance of one or more components of the pet's diet.

This intolerance is most often due to the feeding of a diet of inferior quality containing ingredients of poor digestibility. These ingredients pass through the intestinal tract without being absorbed and end up in the large intestine (colon and rectum), where bacteria ferment them to produce gas.

Some of these gases do not smell, whereas others, particularly those derived from the fermentation of proteins and fats, smell badly. Flatulence can also occur when a dog eats excessive quantities of food, overwhelming the ability of its gastrointestinal tract to digest the food.

Furthermore, some dogs are born without the ability to digest certain ingredients in their diets. For example, many dogs (and cats) have difficulty digesting lactose in milk. Other dogs have trouble digesting some legumes such as soy.

Fortunately, flatulence resulting from legumes can be successfully reduced by a variety of manufacturing techniques. Another cause of flatulence is greedy eating resulting in the ingestion of large quantities of air. Once ingested, air has to be removed from the gastrointestinal tract either by burping or by flatulence.

Although flatulence is usually normal, on occasion it can herald more serious gastrointestinal disease, particularly of the small bowel or pancreas. You should seek veterinary advice if the measures listed below fail to control flatulence, if gaseousness appears to be causing your pet abdominal discomfort, or if the flatulence is associated with concurrent vomiting or diarrhea. All of these signs suggest more serious gastrointestinal disease.

The management of flatulence begins with a change to a high-quality (highly digestible) diet without excessive fat content. Suitable commercial products are available from most of the major manufacturers.

Alternatively, owners can prepare a homemade diet composed of highly digestible protein and carbohydrate sources such as cottage cheese and rice appropriately balanced with vitamins and minerals.

Homemade diets are less desirable than commercial diets because their long-term use is often associated with nutritional deficiencies or excesses.

Ensuring regular exercise is also helpful because it promotes regular defecation. Reducing the dog's gulping of air by avoiding situations that provoke nervousness and by discouraging greedy eating, for instance, by ensuring that the dog does not have to compete for food, may also be helpful.

In the rare event that dietary manipulation is not successful in controlling flatulence, call your veterinarian, because a diagnostic investigation of your pet's digestive system may be required.

Alternatively, your veterinarian may suggest a trial with medications that reduce gas production by assisting digestion, absorbing gas, or assisting the passage of gas.

The above is general veterinary information. Do not begin any course of treatment without consulting your regular veterinarian. All animals should be examined at least once every 12 months.

About the author:

From the Textbook of Veterinary Internal Information: Client Information Series. Copyright © 2000 by W.B. Saunders Company. All rights reserved.

Linda Mar Veterinary Hospital and its cat-only affiliate, Coastal Cat Clinic, are small animal practices located in Pacifica, California.

 W. Grant Guilford, DVM

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