Funny Pets Videos - Pet Information

Chameleons As Pets

 Chameleons are appealing in appearance and their mystical ways of changing colors are fascinating. Keeping chameleon as pets could be difficult as compared to other pets as they are not very friendly and they need a lot of extra care. But if you are serious about raising a Chameleon you will find they are by far the most fascinating pets you could ever ask for.

When selecting a chameleon, it is without question best to find a captive bred one. Wild caught specimens are usually extremely stressed, carry a heavy parasite load, and difficult to acclimate to captive conditions.

Chameleons are generally best for intermediate reptile keepers. Therefore, prior reptile experience or reading would be beneficial. It is very important to have knowledge on chameleons before you keep one as pet.

Sometimes because of negligence many die due to stress, disease, improper care, dehydration or starvation hence it is very important to know about their health, diet, housing them, etc.

Depending on species, captive-bred male chameleons generally live 4 to 6 years in captivity, whereas captive-bred female chameleons live only 2 to 3 years in captivity. Wild-caught or imported chameleons do not live as long in captivity and may only live for a few months to a few years.

Before you buy a chameleon always ask your pet store where your chameleon came from and if it has been deparasitized.

They must be re-treated for parasites periodically. Ask a qualified, knowledgeable staff person or expert. If you are a beginning keeper, seek the advice of others with more experience.

Take them with you to help you choose your animal. Choose an animal with a plump, well-rounded body. Hips or backbones that are protruding are signs of several underlying problems.

Also check the eyes to see that they are bright and alert, have no "crusty" appearance, and are not sunken into the animal's head. Make sure your animal looks active, rather than lethargic.

Remember that not all species will react in the same way. Learn what to expect and make your choice based on what you have researched. If you are a beginner, you might want to start with a hardy species that is easily kept and maintained.

About the Author:

McKay Robbins

 William Wright

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