Pet Grooming Videos

How to Trim the Hair Around a Shaggy-Haired Dog's Ears : Dog Grooming

By going slow and using soothing sounds, the owner can slowly introduce the new animal to the process. As the grooming goes on and the animal feels more comfortable, stronger strokes can be applied. As confidence and bonding builds the entire pet grooming process can be utilized. Another aspect of pet grooming is cutting or trimming the nails of your animal. 

There are several chemical treatments that can be used to help your dog with its itchy problem. Although most of these chemical treatments work, some dogs have severe and sometimes fatal, allergies to the chemicals. Dog owners would be wise to turn to grooming as their first defense against their dogs persistent itching. 

The time you spend brushing your pet bunny will go along way in establishing a lifelong bond. The health benefits of brushing your pet rabbit include the removal of any dead hairs that your rabbit might other wise swallow. Once swallowed these hairs could form a hairball that can compromise your rabbit's digestive system. 

Some of these pet owners, knowing that their pet is in desperate need of a good grooming, bring their pets to a professional pet groomer, hoping that the groomer knows some magic trick that will make their unruly pet behave. Most of these pet owners are devastated when they return to the groomers to pick up their pet and find out that the best the groomer was able to do was a partial job, they send the pet home half clipped and uncombed, telling the owner that the pet is their responsibility. 

If you're looking for more value, and a larger selection, many online pet grooming supply companies exist. Some offer next day air and though the shipping cost might be expensive, the quality of the product and the assurance that the product specifically meets your pet grooming needs is worth the cost. 

The only real use house cats have for their claws is scratching furniture and occasionally swiping at their human caretakers. It is the caretakers responsibility to make sure the cat's nail get trimmed whenever they get long. If you have never trimmed a cat's nails watch a professional pet groomer or your cat's veterinarian trim your cat's nail first.