Pet Grooming Videos

Grooming Guide - West Highland White Terrier Pet Trim - Pro Groomer

If your cat is prone to bite and scratch when it's placed in a sink full of water, you may want to invest in a pair of thick, tall falcon gloves that will protect your hands and arms. If you do get bitten by your cat while giving it a flea bath you will want to get to your doctors office right away, even cats that are kept inside, have dirty mouths and cat bites can get infected very quickly. 

If you have a cat that seems to be particularly susceptible to getting massive knots in its coat you will want to invest in a specially designed mat spreader. Unless you have had your house cat declawed your cat will need to have its nail clipped. In the wild cats need their sharp claws to defend themselves and to help them capture and kill prey, Feral cats keep their nail from becoming overly long by walking around on hard surfaces that wear down the nail, keeping it sharp. 

Nobody really knows for sure why dogs feel the need to smell. The quickest, most efficient way to remove odor from your dog's coat is to wash your dog. Try to use a shampoo that is specifically designed for dogs. Human shampoos can strip the dogs coat of its natural oils, leaving the skin unprotected and open to rashes and infections. 

You'll need a variety of clippers, scissors, brushes, and combs. The supplies you need vary with the type of dog you have and whether that dog has long or short hair. The thickness of the coat is important because some clippers may cause pain or irritation to your animal. Pet grooming supplies can be found at your local but veterinarian. 

If you find that this is to trying on your patience, you might want to take your pet rabbit to a professional pet groomer and have them remove the mats with a pair of electric clippers. Every few weeks, check and make sure that your rabbit's nails haven't gotten to long. If you think they are looking long, or notice that they are starting to catch on your carpeting it is time to trim them. 

Nail Trimming An Important Part Of Pet Grooming An essential part of pet grooming is the trimming of your pet's nails. If you live in a house with wooden floors, the click, click, click of your pet's nails when they walk on that floor can drive you crazy. Not only is it irritating for the members of your family, it is an indication that your animal's nails need to be cut.