Pet Grooming Videos

Cairn Grooming

The larger the hair ball becomes, the greater a risk it poses to the cat's health and well being. A vast majority of cats are able to rid themselves of a hairball by hacking it up. The sound they make when trying to bring up a hairball is similar to a person suffering from dry heaves, although the noise is slightly higher pitched. 

Show them how to use a warm slightly wet washcloth to gently wipe any mucus that might be accumulating in the corners of their eyes. Guinea pigs don't require a great deal of of brushing, and they shouldn't be bathed. They do need to have their nails clipped. This is an activity that the parent needs to supervise. 

Do not show them the clippers at first, but massage their feet like you would if you were playing with them. Gently put the nail into the opening of the nail trimmers and slowly but firmly clip the nail. Professional pet groomers are a little more experienced and they clip the nails at a faster rate than the novice. 

The first common mistake is getting to close to the skin while shaving. The clippers can leave a nasty razor burn that can open its way to later infections. If you accidentally give your pet a burn while grooming, stop and apply first aid. Put on some anti-bacteria salve and if possible clean the wound. 

It's bad enough that your cat is always scratching and clawing at itself, even ripping large hunks of hair and flesh from its body in an attempt to rid itself of the biting insects. But unfortunately there is nothing to prevent the fleas from staying on the cat. If the problem is left untreated, you could quickly find that your entire house is full of fleas, and that you are being bitten nearly as often as your pet house cat. 

Most cats will not take kindly to this treatment, especially if it is a new pet grooming experience, and some may holler about the indignity of the situation. Contrary to the cat's belief, the experience should not be too upsetting and fortunately, upon becoming dry, most cats will eventually forgive their offending owner.