Roomba dog poop incident. Disassembling and cleaning a iRobot Roomba e5 so it can clean another day

Dog poop and iRobot Roomba’s DO NOT play well together. Y’all have heard the humorous anecdote about the roomba running over dog poop, well, after living it first hand, I can tell you, theres ZERO humor to it. Take a ride with me where I demonstrate how to get your roomba apart and put back together so it will work like nothing ever happened. Aside from needing to clean dog poop off of, and out of, it, this is a demonstration on how to regularly clean your roomba so it…

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Chip’s Poop Roomba

Chip’s Roomba ran over some dog poop in the living room and as you might imagine that caused a messy situation. Chip’s day was turning out to be a great one, a nice lunch in wine country, a potential afternoon delight with the Mrs. and starting a 2-week vacation. Well, Chip’s wife comes in the door from the garage and yells, “It smells like shit in here, the Roomba ran over dog shit!” Hear how this story unfolds and what happened to the iRobot on this episode of the Chip…

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Funny Dog Video – Roomba Runs Over Dog Poop

My dog, Vesper, is usually the perfect dog. I can count on one hand the number of times that she has had an accident in the house. In May 2014 Florida received almost a foot of rain in a single day and Vesper refused to go to the bathroom before I left the house. A few hours after I left the house I checked my camera and noticed that one of the dogs had pooped in the house and then heard the Roomba going in the background! Unfortunately it was…

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