Pet Skunk’s Favorite Foods

Skunks are omnivores meaning they eat both a plant- and animal-based diet. Some of Marv’s favorite foods are bananas, corn, sweet potatoes, carrots and crickets. Listen carefully as you hear Marv chomp on food with his large teeth as well watch how he uses his claws to hold his food. Skunks really are fascinating creatures. If you take the time to learn about them, you may even decide to share corn on the cob with one someday!

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Skunks Sound Effects – The Cutest Baby Skunks Compilations | Bit Sounds

Welcome to Bit sounds YouTube’s music channel for Animals, Birds, Crazy, Weird, Nature, Annoying, and all types of sounds. Skunks are North and South American mammals in the family Mephitidae. While related to polecats and other members of the weasel family, skunks have as their closest Old World relatives the stink badgers. The animals are known for their ability to spray a liquid with a strong, unpleasant smell. The Stripes Point Out The Sprayer. They Do a Little Warning Dance. They Evolved Their Smelly Spray Because They’re Nocturnal. That Spray…

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Feeding my Pet Skunk!

Every morning and evening I have the privilege of feeding my pet skunk, Marv. He tests the quality of the food as I prepare fresh vegetables, fruit, and other snacks for both him and my pet porcupines. The most important food to include in a skunk’s diet is taurine. I use the Vita-Skunk supplement for this, and mix 1/3 teaspoon in cottage cheese once a day. In addition, Marv will get a variety of meats, seeds, and eggs. Having a varied diet is best. Marv is always excited to run…

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Ellie’s Roblox Adopt Me Cat vs Jimmy’s Skunk

Ellie is playing a Roblox Challenge in Adopt Me featuring her cat Butters versus Jimmy’s pet skunk. Click here to subscribe and keep up to date with all of our new uploads! πŸ”΄β–ΆοΈ: Here’s a link to our last video!πŸ’–βœ¨: πŸ’–βœ¨ Click these links to watch some of our popular videos!πŸ’–βœ¨: πŸ’–βœ¨ Check out some of our playlists!πŸ’–βœ¨ The Ellie Sparkles Show!: Summer Camp: Creative and Imaginative Playtime!: Science Experiments with Ellie: πŸ’–βœ¨ Watch more Ellie Sparkles videos on our other channel!πŸ’–βœ¨: πŸ’–βœ¨…

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Skunk Snuggles!

Grace snuggles skunks and the creek gets an upgrade!! Lots of content for everyone! Chicken, Ducks, creek, and the homestead lifestyle are all included! Please like and Subscribe for more like this!!

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Skunk facts: not always stinky! | Animal Fact Files

Skunks are well known for their stink, but do you know they try not to use this defense as much as possible? Skunks live in the Americas and are most closely related to stink badgers – no relation to just badgers. Skunks are usually black and white in color, though they can also come in shades of brown or even solid colors. The typical skunk pattern is a type of ‘aposematic coloration’ which warns predators to stay away! Scientific Name: Family – Mephitidae Range: the Americas Size: a bit smaller…

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