15 Dog Breeds You Should Never Mess With

Often called man’s best friend, dogs help human beings in a lot of ways that we never imagined. They are a loyal companion and would do anything to protect their human best friend. But, there are some breeds of dogs that prove to be more dangerous than other friendlier breeds. These breeds are the ones that we should steer clear of and definitely not mess with. If you are thinking about owning a dog, then you should know which these breeds are. Knowing about these breeds is important for your safety and also for the safety of people around you. Most of them are descendants from wolves. This is what makes them one of the deadliest dog breeds in the world.

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Watch our “15 Animals That Saved Other Animals” video here: https://youtu.be/4KdvwkHum4s
Watch our “15 Most Dangerous World Records Of All Time” video here: https://youtu.be/vqpbpDbcaZs

15. Akita Inu

An Akita Inu is one of the bravest species of dog and it takes a lot more to scare this breed of dog away. On the contrary, they are capable of scaring you away perfectly well on their own. The breeds of these dogs originate from Japan and they are strong, dominant, and fierce. They are quite territorial as well. They are very protective of their space and do not want anyone to invade their personal space. This is why they behave quite aggressively when they feel that anyone is invading their personal space or challenging them. This breed of dogs does not get along with strangers as well. So, if you are a stranger whom they believe to be a threat, these dogs can turn into your biggest nightmare. They would attack you with all their might. So, if you want to be safe, you should not even think of messing with them. If you do, be ready to face the consequences as well.

14. Dalmatian

We understand that you might be surprised to see Dalmatian in this list of the deadliest dog breeds. A Dalmatian is known to be friendly, playful, active, and outgoing. While the majority of Dalmatians are known to be friendly dogs, but there are a few exceptions. Also, they are not much heavy in weight which would make them look scary or deadly. On average a Dalmatian dog weighs around 70 pounds but these dogs can be quite aggressive when they are threatened and known to attack as well. Known as the traditional dog of war, these dogs can be dangerous beyond your imaginations. While they are friendly dogs, they do not get along with kids, other dogs, or strangers. So, if you are a stranger to them, you definitely would not want to go near a Dalmatian. They are extremely protective of their territory and would attack anyone they find a threat. Also, they make excellent guard dogs as well. They have a natural instinct to guard. So, when they notice and threatening behavior around them, they respond by being aggressive. This is why you should certainly not mess with a Dalmatian or this friendly little dog would rip you apart.

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