What Types of Lizards Make Good Reptile Pets?

There is nothing wrong with wanting a reptile for a pet, provided of course you first arm yourself with knowledge. Education is the key to being a responsible owner. Of course, there are instances when you may not first get the chance. Suppose your well-meaning relative decided it would be a good idea to give you an exotic pet for a gift, not thinking of the reptile's welfare should you be unable to care for it or uneducated about its care. But, of course there are always exceptions to the rule.

There are ways of choosing your pet when you do decide to obtain a reptile. You can choose to buy a pet to fit the cage you are able to get, or you can buy a cage to fit the pet you want. Either way you go, please make sure you take into account that the reptile will grow and must be able to fit into the enclosure as it gets bigger. Please refrain from purchasing the reptile if you will be unsure about being able to afford a larger cage later on or if you won't have the space. There are plenty of other choices you can make that will fit into your budget.

A Leopard Gecko is a popular lizard choice for people who want a reptile that will be smaller than the Iguana. The Iguana has been known to reach 7 feet in length! A bigger lizard means a bigger cage and a bigger food bill. The Leopard Gecko only reaches 10 inches. There's obviously quite a difference there. First time owners have more success when they start small and build up to the other interests. This lizard also stays active at night, so night owls may get more enjoyment from it than someone who wants to interact or watch their reptile during the day. The Leopard Gecko can live up to 15 years and is easy for a beginner to care for.

A Bearded Dragon is a popular lizard choice. They're fond of crickets, but they also need fresh vegetables and fruits like the Iguana. The Bearded Dragon looks fierce and beautiful when it fans out its spiky beard. These reptiles can grow to 20 inches. Blue skinks are known for their blue tongues. Skinks can grow anywhere from 12 to 20 inches, depending on which type you get. They enjoy a diet of earthworms. This may be easier to stomach than the diet of mice and rats a snake requires!

Another common lizard choice is that of the Green Anole, also known as the American chameleon. While it isn't actually related to the chameleon, it is able to change colors from green to dark brown. This reptile only grows to 9 inches normally and eats insects.

Whatever your choice of lizard or other reptile as a pet, just make sure you do your research before you purchase. If you are given the animal as a gift, please educate yourself as quickly as possible to prevent unintentional harm to the reptile.

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