Things You Must Never Feed Your Pet BirdFirst one the list happens to be chocolate. Yes this delightful treat is great to eat but did you know that this has a disastrous effect on your pet bird’s digestive system? Most often it will cause the bird to suffer from diarrhea or vomiting. The problem then spreads from the digestive system to the central nervous system first by causing the bird to have seizures until eventually death. Certain fruits should never be given to birds. These include apples, apricots, cherries, peaches and pears because the seeds of these fruits have trace amounts of cyanide which as we know is harmful. Aside form cyanide, there could also be other harmful chemicals present in the fruit if pesticides were used in making it grow. One special fruit that should be mentioned and never given to your pet bird is the avocado. This is because the skin and the pit of this fruit may cause cardiac distress and heart failure in certain bird species. Since it is better to be safe than sorry, don’t even bother letting them try it. Certain vegetables are also harmful for birds. Onion which we know as a flavoring causes digestive problems for birds. Mushrooms that are a type of fungus are also harmful because it can lead to respiratory distress, kidney failure and then death. While some veterinarians and pet owners are concerned and concerned about giving pet birds certain vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes and other nightshades, there are some who say that it can be given without any harmful effects as long as it is cleaned and slice before giving it away. A few drinks we humans take for granted must never be given to birds especially products that have either alcohol or caffeine content in them. This is because caffeine causes cardiac malfunction in birds and in some cases, may cause arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, hyperactivity, and increased heartbeat. Alcohol on the other hand depresses the bird’s organ systems which in turn may prove fatal. Aside from water, it is best to give your bird some pure fruit or vegetable juice which also provides your pet bird its nutritional requirements. Salt or any products that contain it should never be given to birds. This is because this often leads to dehydration, kidney dysfunction, thirst and death. Lastly, you must never give your pet bird dry or raw beans because it contains a poison called hemaglutin. If you want to give it, make sure this is cooked first. There are certain things that your pet bird can and cannot eat. Knowing what these are will ensure that they will live for a very long time rather than only surviving a week or even less which is pretty bad especially when you spend a great amount of money buying this and other accessories. So what should you feed your pet bird? To play it safe, it will be a good idea to give them a diet consisting of seeds and pellets. If after an hour there is still some left, it is best to remove it and throw it away. By Webmaster You may contact me through my FunnyPetsVideos Contact Form Comments |
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