Ferrets As Pets

Can ferrets be pets? The answer is yes just like owning a cat or a dog. All you have to do is provide them with the same kind of attention you would with any other animal you choose to have at home so they will be able to stay with you for a long time.

Ferrets are considered to be �unusual� in the pet industry because a lot of people would still prefer a bird, cat, dog, fish or hamster. In fact, some states in North America and a few countries do not allow you to own one.

The issue centers around the safety of the people who own them especially since these animals have very sharp teeth and although they are already domesticated, they will bite if ever they are provoked. This is why parents are discouraged from getting one if there are small children around but if they still choose to do so, they must never leave them unattended.

The worse part about getting bitten by a ferret is that it can carry and transmit rabies just like dogs. This is the reason that pet owners should make sure their ferrets have been vaccinated. Neutering is another thing that has to be done to control the number of domesticated ferrets.

Ferrets are also very curious creatures and if you don�t like them messing up your home, you should make sure your house is ferret proof. You can do so by sealing small spaces which they may enter, reinforcing wires and securing air ducts.

Here are some interesting things that you should know if you decide to own a ferret.

First, they sleep for more than 18 hours everyday but when they are awake, this is the time that you need to feed and play with them.

Second, they do not like being caged so give them some room to move about in the house.

Third, ferrets take naps in the most unusual places. If you don�t want to squish or hurt them, check under the cushion before you sit down because you could hurt them.

Fourth, male ferrets are heavier and grow much longer than the female.

Fifth, they can live for 6 to 8 years and if you are lucky, even up to 12 years with proper care.

Sixth, ferrets are blind but this handicap increases their other senses like their hearing and smelling enabling them to find food or go to you.

Seventh, ferrets can be trained to do just about anything just like a cat or dog. Reinforcement theory is the best approach here by rewarding them with food when they do something right.

Eighth, ferrets are not noisy since they don�t bark. They also don�t go outside as long as the doors, windows and vents are secured so there is no way that they will ruin your garden or that of the neighbor�s.

Those who want to own a ferret can either buy one from a breeder or adopt one from the shelter. Before you pay for it and fill up the forms, make sure you know how to take care of it because that responsibility is now in your hands.

If you are not ready, put it off until you are committed to take care of a ferret as a pet.

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My Articles

The Albino Ferret
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How To Care For Ferrets
The Angora Ferret
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