Dog Breeding and Joint Problems

Hip problems with different dog breeds should be identified at an early stage. If you think that smaller dogs are safe from joint problems, you�re wrong. Joint problems can attack any breed of dog at any point in time. Since you can�t be too sure if your dog is suffering from joint problems or not, this article can help you in determining if your dog has a problem.

The most common problem with dogs is hip dysplasia. This refers to the deterioration or malformation of the hip joint. The hip joint sits on a socket that secures the femur�s head. If the socket is excessively shallow, the condition is called hip dysplasia. This should be addressed immediately because if you leave it unattended, the dog can suffer from extreme pain especially when the cartilage is already destroyed. Asymptomatic dogs are not encouraged to be bred. Larger breeds of dogs are often affected by this problem but certain studies revealed that smaller breeds can also be affected like the Shetland Sheepdogs and Cocker Spaniels.

It�s not easy to tell if your dog has hip dysplasia. The dog should be radiographed. Only experts can give appropriate analysis. The vet can�t do this and you will be asked to send the hip x-ray to the Orthopedic Foundation of Animals in the US. The evaluation will be sent back to you after several weeks. If you live anywhere in Britain, Europe, and Canada, equivalent programs are also available but the certification varies depending on the dog�s age.

Certain organizations issue certifications for dogs aged one year and above while other organizations entertain only the requests for dogs aged over two years. Find an organization that issues the appropriate certification.

Another joint problem is OCD or Osteochondrosis Dessicans. This problem is concentrated on the elbow. This happens when the flake or bone spur wears out and it brings about stiffness and a lot of pain. In order get the exact evaluation, you will need an x-ray of your dog�s elbow joint. Dogs who are currently suffering from hip dysplasia may also be suffering from OCD.

Patellar Luxation is another joint problem. It affects the dog�s kneecaps and if you�re breeding smaller dogs, beware as they are more prone to this condition as compared to larger dog breeds. When the kneecap slides out of its place, it will lock the dog�s leg straight. Don�t worry because after accurate diagnosis, your dog can undergo surgery. However, breeding dogs with this particular problem is not a good idea because this condition is hereditary. There is a high chance that the puppies can inherit the condition as well.

If you try to consult an expert, you will know more about the various joint problems among dogs. Aside from the conditions mentioned earlier, dogs can also suffer from hock (a spine problem). There are still many other join problems that you should know about. Before breeding dogs, you should already have adequate knowledge about the dog breed you�re handling. Research about their bloodlines and potential joint problems; since most of the conditions are hereditary, you should be extra careful when choosing the dogs you breed.

Being a breeder is not easy. Keep yourself well-informed so that you can be successful in dog breeding. Make sure that your dogs are healthy and in perfect condition.

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